MTM Youth Services CIC


Accessing Activities: Consent Forms




Why do we need a consent form?


All of our activities require parents and carers to complete a consent form for each child and young person who wants to attend. It is our only definite requirement, and it is needed in advance.



What is it?


It is a form that details personal information; any health issues or particular information that may be relevant to help the young person take part fully; emergency contact details for that period of time; and is signed to show that the young person has permission to be there.



Why we need the original form


We can’t accept emails, photos or scans of the form, as we need your original signature. If urgent medical attention is required, and you have yet to arrive, the consent form gives medical information, along with your permission to receive any required attention. We are not a statutory agency, and so it is different to schools.



Can they bring the form with them?


The consent form also acts as a booking form, so the sooner we receive the form, the more likely we can confirm a place on the activity. No form, no place. However, we also have to record all details, draw up a list for the ‘base person’ (worker who is not attending the activity), and get all the original forms to the Lead Worker. There may also be transport to book, and this needs to be done as early as possible. If we are working with another organisation, such as Whitlingham Adventure, they will also have information requirements that need to be completed in advance.



They’ve done the activity before, can the same form be used?


No! We need to ensure that we have the most up to date health information, as well as emergency contact details. It might be that someone else, such as a grandparent, is going to be our contact for the day, instead of you. Activity details may have changed too, and so we need to know that you have read all the information, and signed, to give us ‘informed consent’.



Most consent forms can be downloaded from our websites, or you can ask the lead worker to send you a copy.




If you need further information, please contact:


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